Is Your Oxford Driving Instructor Qualified?
When did you last check your driving instructor's licence? I have been a driving instructor in Oxford for 10 years and have only been asked on one occasion to show my driving instructor's licence to a pupil.
Qualified driving instructors must display a green badge in their car at all times. This verifies that they are fully qualified and have passed all 3 parts of the driving instructors' exam. This exam is broken down into three parts. Part 1 - Theory - which is similar to the normal theory test but far more involved. Part 2 - Practical - Again similar to the normal practical test but to a far higher standard. Part 3 - Test of driving instructors' ability to teach and communicate effectively with pupils.
Having passed Part 2 trainee driving instructors are given a pink badge which allows them to teach unsupervised. Only 40% of trainee driving instructors pass Part 3 of the exam which obviously means that 60% of these PDIs (practicing driving instructors) will never qualify as driving instructors and yet they are allowed to teach.
In my opinion unsupervised tuition by PDIs is totally unacceptable. Let's be honest, would you get into a plane with a trainee pilot who was unsupervised? It's the same thing - your life is in their hands.
As a driving instructor in Oxford I know how important it is that you receive training from someone who is not only experienced, but qualified. Why take the risk?
Find out more about our driving lessons here in Oxford on 01865 724531.